Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Bat Day!

Div. 7 & 8 had a great day on Wednesday winding up their bat unit!  We couldn't believe all the students learned about bats and how disappointed some were to be finished our unit.  Each student got this special certificate!



Friday, November 25, 2016

November 25th

It seemed like Grandparent Day was a huge success!  Thanks to everyone who was able to join us, I feel this experience is so valuable for your children.  Thanks also to those who helped those students who did not have anyone here.  Thanks to Averyelle's mom for doing the shopping and getting the icing ready for our Bat Cookies!
As you can see fun was had by all...

Thanks to everyone for attending conferences these last two days.  It has been great to celebrate your child's learning and to help set goals for our second school term.  Thanks for your support it is really important we are all a team working together as the saying goes it takes a village to raise a child!

Wednesday is going to be BAT DAY in Div. 7 & 8!  Could all students wear their bat hats and if they have brown or black pants and/or shirts that would be great too.  We have a fun day planned as we wind down our bat unit; we thought it would be fun to celebrate all that we have learned.  If anyone is willing to make 2 doz cupcakes (not iced) for Wednesday please let me know by email or Monday am.  Thanks so much, we are hoping to make a bat cupcake as a special treat!

Tuesday is Jersey Day Students are encouraged to wear their favourite sports jersey and if possible make a donation of $2.00 for Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows KidSport.
Another Leadership event is on Friday, Dec. 2 when it will be Crazy Hair Day!!  Should be fun!!

Our Christmas play will be coming soon (please see the calendar on this blog for the dates/times). Tickets are mandatory for the concert this year.  I am sending home an information letter on Monday as many have expressed that they missed the email from Mrs. Watkins or are unclear about 'how this is all working'
*we are singing 'I Want a Hippopotamus for Christms' and will be wearing pajamas and hippo ears.  Mrs. Carpenter has kindly offered to volunteer her time to make the hippo headbands and we are asking for $1/student to cover the cost of supplies.  Thank you!  They are going to all look so cute!

Have a great weekend!

Nov. 18th

It has been a busy week as we prepare for our conferences next week. The children are very excited to show you their work and celebrate their learning so far.  These conference are an essential part of our reporting so it is very important that everyone come in.  At the conference we will collaboratively work together to review and help your child set goals for the next term. 

Thanks to all parents who have already signed their children up on Raz Kids,  If you have any questions please just let me know or directly email Raz Kids Support, some parents had to re-install the program to make it work but after doing it has been working.  We have had a few glitches but are trying to work through these.

Grandparent Day is on Thursday so we are really hoping for a good turn-out like our email said if grandparents aren't available anyone special is welcome to attend.  Remember that Thursday is also an early dismissal (11:00) and then we will have student conferences in the afternoon and all day Friday.  Don't forget the conference is a total of 30 minutes - the first just with your child and then you will meet with me for the last 15.

Upcoming events are Jersey Day on Tuesday, November 29th.  Students are encouraged to wear their favourite sports jersey and if possible make a donation of $2.00 for Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows KidSport.
Another Leadership event is on Friday, Dec. 2 when it will be Crazy Hair Day!!  Should be fun!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14

Div. 7 has just started Raz Kids (an online reading program) - you should have a letter explaining this in your child's planner today. You can sign up on line to receive reports of your child's reading or you can send back the signed sheet and I can do it for you.  You can follow the link on our blog to Raz Kids.

The students have been busy practicing a song for Grandparent Day and Mrs. Roberts is asking that all students practice this at home by listening to the Nat King Cole song L-O-V-E and following along in their poetry book which will come home on Friday. 

Thanks to all of you that have signed up for conferences next week.  If you haven't already done it please do so asap.  Thanks

Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4th

It has been a long busy week!
Monday was fun with all our Halloween activities.   Everyone looked great in their costumes. Thanks again to all the students who brought our snacks.
Tuesday was Pajama Day which was perfect for our tired children!
Wednesday was our field trip at Kanaka Creek Regional Park.  Despite the rain it was great experience and the students were very engagedc and learned many new bat facts.  The interpreters were impressed with Div. 7 & 8's knowledge of bats.  Thank you to Mason, Averyelle, Sienna, Gavin, Gianna and Nathan's Moms and Eli's Grandpa and Gavin's grandma for making this field trip possible!    A huge thank you to Averyelle's mom for treating us all to hot chocolate and cookies, a perfect surprise after a wet morning!

Bat & Moth Game

Look what we found!

A salamder!

Bat Leave Art!

Thursday and Friday we were busy working on our Christmas cards which your child has brought home.  Please return these on Monday, Nov. 7th (ignore the date on the back of the art - we got an extension so we could finish with Halloween before starting Christmas).

In math Div. 7 have been exploring patterns and trying to find answers to some of their questions about patterns.  Homework... Over the weekend I have asked the students to find as many patterns as they can find both man-made and see if they can find any in nature.
Remember next week is a 3 day week with the Pro D Day on Thursday and Remembrance Day on Friday.